The Nigerian military is acquiring simulators to enhance their combat competence and improving training regime.
In the 2025 budget proposal tendered by both the Army and Air Force, a total of N5.1 billion naira ($3,277,613.90) were allocated for acquiring simulators.
Individually, N2,516,410,110 was allocated by Army, while N2,686,000,000 for the Air Force in the 2025 budget proposal.
Although the Army did not indicate what type of simulator it intends to acquire, however, the Air force stated that it was getting Super Mushshak full motion flight simulator.
The Nigerian Army already operates MASA Group and Bohemia Interactive MASA Simulated War gaming for Operational Readiness and Doctrine (SWORD) and the Virtual Battle Space Series 4 software at the Army’s Land Forces Simulation Centre.
This was acquired in 2021 to provided strategic and tactical war gaming scenario and simulation for the Army, as well as provide high-level training and analysis for battlefield officers.
For the Air Force, the it’s Super Mushshak full flight simulator will enhance the basic training of airmen before they transition to fast jets. The MFI-17 Mushshak is a light-weight, robust, two/three seats, single engine, predominantly all metal aircraft with tricycle fixed landing gear.
The Air Force received 10 Super Mushshak trainers, with the first five batch received in 14, July 2017, and the rest in January 2018. The Air Force has lost about two units in crashes.

For quite a while, the Nigerian Air Force has fielded flight simulators for proficiency and combat training, particularly the A-29 Super Tucano full flight simulator.
In early 2022, the United States supplied A-29 Super Tucano full flight simulator to the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) as part of the $500 million deal for the aircraft.
Likewise, it was also revealed last year that Ariegsa, an Egyptian company known for providing tailored solutions for high-level needs and integrating defense and attack systems across diverse platforms will supply simulators to the Nigerian Air Force.
Ariegsa and the Nigerian Air Force signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide simulators for all aircraft operated by the Nigerian Air Force.
The commitment was made on 4 September 2024, when The Nigerian Air Force Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar attended the Egypt International Airshow held at El-Alamein International Airport.