Retraction and Correction policy and fee

Correcting errors

Rules on how to correct errors in online news are less clear than the rules typically found in print media. This is because online media, with the need for speed when it comes to publishing, can provide ripe territory for errors. However, it is still important for online news outlets to have clear policies in place for correcting errors, in order to maintain the trust of their readers.

Here are some additional policy considerations for correcting stories that have been published online:

  • Timeliness: Errors should be corrected as soon as possible, ideally within 24 hours of being discovered.
  • Transparency: Readers should be able to easily find the corrections, either by being linked to them from the original story or by being published in a separate section of the website.
  • Accuracy: The corrections should be accurate and should not introduce any new errors.
  • Context: The corrections should provide enough context to help readers understand what was wrong with the original story and why it is being corrected.
  • Prominence: The corrections should be given enough prominence to be seen by most readers. This may mean publishing them at the top of the original story or in a prominent location on the website.

By following these policy considerations, online news outlets can help to ensure that their readers are informed about any errors that have been made in their reporting. This will help to maintain the trust of their readers and to ensure that their news reporting is accurate and reliable.

In addition to the above, here are some other things to keep in mind when correcting errors in online news:

  • Be clear about what was incorrect and what the correct information is.
  • Avoid making excuses or blaming others for the error.
  • Be respectful of the people who were affected by the error.
  • If the error is significant, consider publishing a separate article about the correction.

By following these guidelines, you can help to ensure that your corrections are clear, accurate, and respectful.

To that end, we have a very simple policy.

  • Corrections received will be made by the end of the day where possible, failing that they will be issued by the next morning.
  • Any corrections will be made to appear promimently at the start of an article, explaining what has been corrected and why.

Corrections can be filed directly to through

Retracting a story

Company Policy: Retracting Stories

Effective Date: [present]

  1. Purpose
    This policy establishes guidelines for retracting stories published by our company, ensuring that the decision to retract is based on accuracy, potential harm to the company’s image or business, and specific request criteria. Retractions are intended to correct significant inaccuracies or outright false information, and to address situations where maintaining the story could have adverse effects on the company.
  2. Criteria for Retraction
    a) Accuracy: A story may be retracted if it is determined to be significantly inaccurate or contains outright false information. The decision to retract will be based on a thorough review conducted by the editorial team, fact-checkers, or authorized individuals responsible for content accuracy. b) Impact on Company Image or Business: A story may be retracted if it is causing substantial harm to the company’s image or adversely affecting its ability to conduct business. This decision will be made by the management or designated individuals responsible for assessing the potential impact on the company’s reputation.
  1. Retraction Request and Fee
    a) Retraction Request: If a party requests the retraction of a story due to its potential impact on the company’s image or business, the request will be carefully evaluated. The request must be submitted in writing, detailing the reasons for the retraction and providing supporting evidence, if applicable. The request should be directed to the editorial team or the designated authority responsible for handling such requests.

b) Retraction Fee: If a retraction request is made based on the criteria outlined in section 2b (Impact on Company Image or Business), a fee of $3,000 will be charged to the party requesting the retraction. This fee is intended to cover the administrative costs associated with evaluating, processing, and implementing the retraction request.

  1. Retraction Process
    a) Evaluation: Upon receipt of a retraction request, the editorial team or designated authority will review the request and assess its validity according to the policy’s criteria.

b) Decision and Communication: After a thorough evaluation, a decision will be made regarding the retraction. If approved, the retraction will be promptly communicated to the relevant parties, including the individual or organization making the request, and steps will be taken to retract the story through appropriate channels.

c) Correction and Apology: Retracted stories will be clearly marked as such, with a statement acknowledging the retraction and the reason behind it. If necessary, corrections will be issued, and, if applicable, an apology may be provided to mitigate any harm caused.

  1. Compliance and Accountability
    All employees and stakeholders involved in the retraction process are expected to adhere to this policy. Any concerns, questions, or potential violations related to this policy should be reported to the appropriate authority or management.
  2. Policy Review
    This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its relevance and effectiveness. Amendments or updates may be made as necessary, and any changes will be communicated to the relevant parties.

By following this policy, we aim to maintain the accuracy and integrity of our published content while safeguarding the reputation and business interests of our company.