Nigerian Army Ranks and Salary structure is more complicated when compared with the Air Force or Navy.
The Nigerian Army (NA) is the land branch of the Nigerian Armed Forces, it is the largest among the Nigerian armed forces.
The Nigerian Army has grown to become the largest in Sub-Saharan Africa, boasting more than 150,000 men and armed with sophisticated weaponry.
Using official data, this article will provide factual and accurate information on the Nigerian Army ranks and salary for readers to understand the ranks in the Nigerian Army and their monthly salaries.
This information will be of immense help to those interested in joining the Nigerian Army, it’s important that you understand the Nigerian Army ranks and salary for a seamless military career.
You’ll also learn about the Nigerian Army ranks; its commissioned and non-commissioned officers’ cadre.
Most importantly, to apply for the ongoing recruitment into the Nigerian Army for this year, you can apply through the official website.
Brief Overview of the Nigerian Army
The Nigerian Army primarily conducts its operations in the land and cyber domain. It was formed more than 60 years ago in 1960, governed by the Nigerian Army Council (NAC).
The core of the Nigerian Army was first formed in 1900 as the Royal West African Frontier Force (RWAFF). They participated in World War II as part of the 1st (West Africa) Infantry Brigade, the 81st and the 82nd (West Africa) Divisions also fought in East Africa and Asia.
Today, the Nigerian Army is responsible for the defence and protection of the country and the Nigerian Constitution. For several years, the Nigerian Army has been in intense battle with terrorism in the Lake Chad, and the Northeastern region of Nigeria. Thus, knowing this brief overview will allow readers understand the Nigerian Army ranks and salary structure for the servicemen.

History of the Nigerian Army, Ranks and Salary
Historically, people of the region now known as ‘Nigeria‘ had their own military force, prior to the British conquest of the area. However, in 1900, the Royal West African Frontier Force (RWAFF) in Nigeria under the British crown and control.
The RWAFF fought in the Second World War, with the 1st (West Africa) Infantry Brigade, the 81st which fought in East Africa, and the 82nd Divisions which fought in the Far East particularly in Burma, Cambodia, and India. With time, Nigeria got independence and adopted the Nigerian Army, with a strength of 8,000 in five infantry battalions and supporting units.
After the Nigerian Civil War in 1970, strength rose to around 120,000 in three divisions. Typically, with such rapid expansion in a short period of time, the Nigerian Army witnessed a sharp decline in troops professionalism, coupled with excessive corruption and negligence of duty. These led to equipment degradation and rot which has lingered over the years until recently.
As a member of the Commonwealth, and a former British colony, the Nigerian Army ranks and salary structure is modeled after the British Army to some extent, although, this is rapidly changing as the force modernizes.
Functions of the Nigerian Army
As with every other military force globally, the Nigerian Army has been assigned a stipulated roles and duties which are enshrined in the Nigerian Constitution, these roles are to be uphold and fulfil at any cost.
Since it is very important for those wishing to join the Nigerian Army to know the Nigerian Army Ranks and Salary, it is also very essential to understand their roles and duties.
The duties of the Nigerian Army include:
- Ensure Nigeria’s sovereignty by defending the country from foreign and domestic threats.
- Maintaining Nigeria’s territorial integrity and securing its borders from violation.
- Assist Civil authorities in case of National emergencies as long as it is prescribed by an Act of the National Assembly and
Nigerian Army Mission and Vision
The current Chief of Army Staff, Lt. General Tukur Yusuf Buratai’s personal vision is “To have a professionally responsive Nigerian Army in the discharge of its constitutional roles.” While the Nigerian Armed Forces Mission statement is “To produce operational-level Armed Forces officers of the highest professional competence and training as well as to ensure standardization of Staff Duties in the Nigerian Armed Forces.”

Operations of the Nigerian Army, Ranks and Salary
As a standing national Army, the modern Nigerian Army has undertaken several operational missions and engagements across the globe in various capacities. While having the knowledge of the Nigerian Air Force ranks and salary, it’s important for prospective cadets to also know some of its operations.
Peacekeeping operations (PKO) are important for any military force to hone their combat and diplomatic skills in an active war zone. Nigerian Army Officers who are deployed on a peacekeeping operations gets additional stipends.
Nigerian Army operations includes;
- Congo Crisis
- Nigerian Civil War
- Lake Chad border crises
- First Liberian Civil War
- Sierra Leone Civil War
- Nigeria-Cameroon border conflict
- Conflict in the Niger Delta
- Boko Haram insurgency
- Northern Mali War
- Invasion of the Gambia
Structure of the Nigerian Army, Ranks and Salary
As explained beforehand, as with knowing the Nigerian Army ranks and salary, it’s equally important to understand the command structure.
Today, the Nigerian Army is governed by the Nigerian Army Council (NAC). It is organized into combat arms or Corps, Departments, and Formations.
Nigerian Army Corps
- Infantry Corps Centre (ICC)
- Armoured Corps (NAAC)
The combat support arms
- Corps of Artillery (NACA)
- Engineers Corps (NAE)
- Army Signals (NAS)
- Intelligence Corps(NAIC)
The combat support services
- Medical Corps (NAMC)
- Corps of Supply and Transport (NACST)
- Electrical and Mechanical Corps (NAEME)
- Ordinance Corps (NAOC)
- Corps of Military Police (NACMP)
- Education Corps (NAEC)
- Finance Corps (NAFC)
- Directorate of Army Physical Training (DAPT)
- Band Corps (NABC)
- Chaplain Services Roman Catholic (RC)
- Directorate of Islamic Affairs (DOIA)
- Directorate of Army Public Relations (DAPR)
- Directorate of Legal Services (Army) (DLS ‘A’)
Nigerian Army Departments
- Department of Army Administration
- Department of Army Policy and Plan
- Department of Army Training and Operations
- Department of Army Logistics
- Department of Civil Military Affairs
- Welfare Limited/ Guarantee
- Army Transformation and Innovation Centre
- Directorate of Army Public Relations
Nigerian Army Formations
- 1 Division, headquartered in Kaduna
- 2 Division (HQ in Ibadan)
- 3 Armoured Division HQ in Jos
- 6th Amphibious Division HQ Port Harcourt
- 7th Infantry Division (OP-LD) HQ in Maiduguri
- 8th Division HQ Sokoto
- 81st Division (Amphibious) HQ in Lagos
- 82nd Division (Airborne and Amphibious) HQ in Enugu
- Guards Brigade HQ in Abuja
- Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) located in Minna is responsible for doctrinal, training and combat development, and supervises training centers. There are 17 Corps Training Schools and the Nigerian Army College of Logistics (NACOL)

Nigerian Army bases across the country
The Nigerian Army operates several military bases across the country where it’s personnel works from. Understanding the barracks locations can assist with the Nigerian Army ranks and salary structure.
- Ribadu Cantonment in Kaduna
- Adaka Boro Barracks in Elele
- Giwa Barracks in Maiduguri
- Maimalari Barracks in Maiduguri
- Fort Nagwamatse in Kontagora
- Obienu Barracks in Bauchi
- Ejoor Barracks in Effurun
- Camp Wu Bassey in Abuja
- Fort IBB (formerly Fort Obasanjo) in Abuja
- Sani Abacha Barracks in Abuja
- Yakubu Gowon Barracks in Abuja
- Aguiyi-Ironsi Barracks in Abuja
- Gado Nasko Barracks in Abuja
- Mogadishu Barracks in Abuja
Nigerian Army Ranks
Nigerian Army ranks takes its root from the British Army which it was derived from, and is divided into two distinct cadres this are;
- Commissioned Officers
- Non-commissioned Officers
Nigerian Army commissioned officers
Nigerian Army commissioned officers’ ranks are those who were enlisted through the Nigerian Defense Academy (NDA), the Direct Short Service Commission (DSSC), or through the Short Service Commission. The Commissioned Officers are mostly graduates with a degree or diploma in recognized course, their salaries are quite higher than those of the Non-commissioned cadre. They are more involved in decision-making and leadership in the Nigerian Army.
There are eleven ranks levels for the Commissioned officers, in the Nigerian Army, they are as follows:
- Field Marshal
- General
- Lieutenant General
- Major General
- Brigadier General
- Colonel
- Lieutenant Colonel
- Major
- Captain
- First Lieutenant
- Second Lieutenant
- Field Marshal: The highest rank in the military. However, no one has ever attained this rank in the history of Nigeria. It has a five-star rank.
- General: The highest rank that was in fact achieved by a Nigerian. A four-star rank in Nigeria.
- Lieutenant General: The high commissioned officer. A three-star rank in Nigeria.
- Major General: The mid-level commissioned officer. In Nigeria, it is ranked with two stars.
- Brigadier General: A one-star General in Nigeria. He commands a Brigade or Regiment.
- Colonel: The lower lever commissioned officer by the highest field officer.
- Lieutenant Colonel: The deputy to Colonel. He is the field officer of the middle level with rank four. They act as deputies to administration officers of higher ranks.
- Major: The lower category of the field officer.
- Captain: The highest rank in the tactical troops.
- First Lieutenant: He is the deputy of the Captain
- Second Lieutenant: He is subordinate to the First Lieutenant.
Non-commissioned Officers
Nigerian Army Non-commissioned officers’ ranks are those that enlisted through the direct recruitment process, they are referred to as the “rank and file”. They bear the brunt of any military operations are the are usually at the lower echelon of the formation.
Nigerian Army Non-commissioned officers are usually O-Level degrees or other lower diplomas in recognized subjects.
The Non-commissioned officers are usually trained for six months before they are deployed. Their roles include maintenance, handling weapons, and explosives, K-9s, base defense, administration, VIP protection, Special Warfare, direct actions, search and rescue, and medicals. There are eight ranks of the non-commissioned officers in the Nigerian Army.
- Master Warrant Officer
- Warrant Officer
- Staff Sergeant
- Sergeant
- Corporal
- Lance Corporal
- Private
- Recruit
Salary structure of the Nigerian Army
Soldiers in the Nigerian Army are paid according to rank and years of service, that is, the Nigerian Army salary structure is based on the ranks and educational qualification of the officers. The higher the rank, the more the salary.
Nigerian Army Officers are also paid some extra stipends such as Hazard allowance, they enjoy several benefits and allowances on special assignments, military operations, foreign mission like peacekeeping, duty tours and Estacada.
The Nigerian Army salary is equally based on the Consolidate Armed Forces Salary Structure (CONAFSS) which was commissioned in 2017.
Furthermore, With the current CONAFSS, Nigerian Army ranks and files are now earning befitting take-home pay however, it is not as high as the commissioned officers who are university or NDA graduates.
Salary structure of Commissioned Officers in the Nigerian Army
- Field Marshal (Yet to be attained)
- General monthly salary is N1,500.000
- Lieutenant General monthly salary is N1,000,000
- Major General monthly salary is N950,000
- Brigadier General monthly salary is N750,000
- Colonel monthly salary is N550,000
- Lieutenant Colonel monthly salary is N350,000
- Major monthly salary is N300,000
- Captain monthly salary is N220,000
- Lieutenant monthly salary is N180,000
- Second Lieutenant monthly salary is N120,000
Salary structure of Non-Commissioned Officers in the Nigerian Army
- Warrant Officer Class 1 monthly salary is N90,000
- Warrant Officer Class 2 monthly salary is N80,000
- Staff Sergeant monthly salary is N68,000
- Sergeant monthly salary is N63,000
- Corporal monthly salary is N58,000
- Lance – corporal monthly salary is N55,000
- Private monthly salary is N49,000
- Recruit no salary yet.